Wednesday, March 4, 2020

5 Pillars (PART 2)

I think you all need to see an example of a 5 Pillar Workout!  Let me know what you think and how I can challenge you...this is a VERY simple version that can be done at almost any hotel, apartment complex, condo, or home gym.  My vault is plentiful and I can provide more ideas, so please share my page with your friends and family!

Here is an example of a Meso-cycle (4-6 weeks) of a non-linear workout plan designed for someone wanting to get in shape, feel better, and needing to feel strong.  However, there are many goals to be obtained by various clients, and I analyze, strategize, and compile science of the individuals’ anatomy and personality to create workouts.  This is a very basic type of plan, but efficient!

 DAY 1 and 4
A.      WARM-UP 5-10 Minutes:  Anything that brings the core body temperature up to a point of sweat accumulating.
B.      Myofascial release and active stretching as needed. (5 + Min)
C.      CORE work: Rotation + Supine + Prone + Static Exercises in a circuit
1)      Standing isolateral rotations with tubing x 12-20 reps each side
2)      Supine loaded (with tubing, cable, or free weight) crunch on Stability ball) 12-20 reps
3)      Supermen on floor x 12-20 reps
4)      Lateral Planks (oblique) x 30 seconds each side
REPEAT x 2-4 sets without rest
D.        Full Body Circuit: Zero-15 Sec rest between each set 12-20 reps, 2-4 sets
1)      LEG- Leg Press x (65% MAX)
2)      PUSH- Chest Press on Machine (65% MAX)
3)      PULL- Lat Pull Down (65% MAX)
4)      ROTATION:  Shoulder press with rotation- press upwards with both arms as you rotate, both right and left.
5)      ISOMETRIC:  Prone Plank x 30 sec-1 minute

Cool Down should be adequate (in duration) to bring the blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing down to almost resting.  The muscles will recover more effectively if myo-fascial release is incorporated on overly tight, shortened muscles, post workout.

The human body needs consistency, challenge, and discernment.  If you are working out, lifting improperly, or engaging in too much intensity, the results will be limited, and the risk for injury will be magnified.  Try to listen to your body each day, let it dictate how much weight to put in your hand, around your ankles, on the stack, when you feel the impact once engaging in the exercise.  If it doesn’t feel right, lower the weight, change the angle, or even the exercise.  Injury happens when we overcompensate as humans, almost in every capacity, so be mindful of each angle you work in and your limitations.

Until next time,


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5 Pillars (PART 2)

I think you all need to see an example of a 5 Pillar Workout!  Let me know what you think and how I can challenge you...this is a VERY simpl...